Members Present:       The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Krall, President
  • Gary Osteen
  • Brock Knez
  • Jodi Lightfoot
  • Dusty Atkinson (absent)

District Manager:

  • Kasey O’Halloran


  • Mary Andre, CDC Engineering
  • Tammy Lake, CDC Engineering
  • Dan Elliot, Resident


Call to Order:                 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Dr. Krall on June 10, 2019 at 5:42 pm, noting a quorum was present.


Minutes:                           The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes from May 2019. Upon motion duly made by Dr. Krall and seconded by Mr. Knez, it was

RESOLVED to approve the meeting minutes.


Financials:                      The Board reviewed the financial statements for May 2019. Ron discussed that the review of the Cash Flow for the summer looks positive. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Osteen and seconded by Ms. Lightfoot, it was

RESOLVED to approve the financial statements.


Invoices:                           Invoices for May 2019 were reviewed.  Ms. O’Halloran asked that an Action Drain Services invoice be included in the approval as she didn’t have time to print it. It was emailed to the Board Members for review. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Knez and seconded by Ms. Lightfoot, it was

RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.


Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:

None needed.

District Manager Update:

District Manager stated that John has the wastewater treatment facility up and running after the power outage. An electrician and YVEA had to come out to restore power at the lagoons location. Tim Gibbons stated all is running fine with the Water Plant.

Old Business:                 Phase I Status Update – Mary Andre stated that Duckels has completed the spot repairs and a stabilization crew came in to stabilize the manholes. There was one manhole behind the Timbers Condo’s that was not found. Duckels has sent their Pay Request #2 in however, it is still pending as no certified payroll has been received. Dr. Krall made a motion to approve the Pay Request #2 conditioned upon CDC engineer certification that payroll is in compliance with Davis Bacon Laws authorizing Ron Krall to sign the pay request.  Ms. Lightfoot seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Ms. Andre stated that the original video work showed the sewer pipe size to be 6” however it has been discovered to be 8”. This means a $4000 decrease will be seen in the overall cost. The slip lining will start mid-July.

Phase II- The Board left the last meeting with two options for the WWTF; Option one was to add a post anoxic tank and accept the cost that comes along with it. The second option was to not add the post anoxic tank and see if CDPHE would allow Timbers to discharge into the lagoons using the groundwater discharge permit. The plan was to sound out Greg Winkler from DOLA to see if the second option was a viable option to avoid spending the extra money on the post anoxic tank. If Dr. Krall received a less than enthusiastic response, he would default to option one with CDPHE. Dr. Krall was informed that CDPHE will most likely come back with a quick no or a long no in regards to the second option. Dr. Krall made the proposal to CDPHE for option 1. CDPHE has accepted the condition of the post anoxic tank. Beth Fox at Grants and Loans stated that she has all she will need to get the loan approved. CDC is still working on final approvals from CDPHE. The EA was submitted to CDPHE today. CDPHE engineering is still in need of some calculations from CDC which they plan to review this week and next. The permits and approvals from CDPHE Engineering are required before the Board can submit final signatures on the SRF Loan. Ms. Andre believes the loan could then be executed on June 30th.

                                             Ms. Andre passed around a construction schedule that would relate to Phase 2A (construction) and Phase 2B (reclamation). Mr. Dan Elliot, who owns the lot that the lagoons are located on/adjacent, has requested that the land be cleaned up this year as it is holding up his plans. Ms. Andre explained that CDPHE has redirected their position on our project and their review on Timber’s plans was postponed. Dr. Krall stated he does have a hesitation that all is fine and will progress forward just because Grants and Loans at CDPHE are hopeful that the loan will be approved by June 30th.

Ms. Sherman introduced a resolution for the Board to approve for the finalization of the SRF Loan. Ms. Lightfoot made the motion to approve resolution 2019-06 and Mr. Osteen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Elliot stated that he received a flyer stating he shouldn’t be entering into his property because it is a ‘biohazard’. Operations Manager John Fitzgerald warned Mr. Elliot that the land should not be walked on or entered into because it is dangerous. Ms. Andre stated he was just being cautious and didn’t realize it was the lot owner, not just someone trespassing. The reclamation of the existing WWTP will be bid out in late October and project to be completed by end of year 2020. There needs to be more research done on what the exact plan is for reclamation as there may be many options for what is best and least expensive.

The contractor, Aslan, will be ready to work on this project as soon as the SRF loan is approved and the project is officially awarded. Ms. Andre has been talking with Dusty about fill dirt that the Timber’s Condos may have to offer this project. Ms. Andre asked the Board how they would like her to handle this portion of the project. Dr. Krall stated that the fill dirt will be needed by July 1st. Ms. Lightfoot will speak with Mr. Atkinson to see if that is feasible.

Tammy Young from CDC spoke with YVEA about the underground lines they are placing in the Timbers area. CDC informed YVEA that the overhead lines over the Dam will potentially be moved underground where the Fiber Optic line is as well. Tim Gibbons spoke with Ms. Andre stating that the Water Treatment plant was out of electricity for 30 hours recently. It might be worthwhile for the Water Treatment plan to have access to a generator nearby.  The road to the new WWTF will need to be rehabilitated during and after the construction project this summer.

Zirkel Wireless Contract – Ms. Lightfoot stated she met with Alan and he has decided he doesn’t want to change the contract that has been passed back and forth. He does want to change the equipment on the tank. Alan has stated that he does want to keep and improve the internet current homeowners have. Ms. Sherman questioned if he is in compliance with the current contract. Ms. Lightfoot stated she didn’t believe he was in compliance, particularly in regards to the frequencies being used. Ms. Lightfoot will continue to work with Mr. Belvo to see if any further progress can be made.

New Business:               2019 Drinking Water Quality Report – Dr. Krall noted that this was received and was a great report. The report is on the website and will go out to the homeowners in July.


EDU analysis – Ms. Lightfoot took a look at the EDU’s and the way they are currently being billed. She believes some changes should be made. Dr. Krall stated that the best way to resolve all of this would be the installation of meters. The subject was tabled until the next meeting.



With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors at 7:14 pm, this 10th day of June 2019.

Respectfully submitted, Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager, Timbers Water and Sanitation District