Members Present:        The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Krall, President
  • Gary Osteen
  • Brock Knez
  • Jodi Lightfoot
  • Mike Lomas

District Manager:

  • Kasey O’Halloran


  • Mary Andre, CDC
  • John Fitzgerald, WWTF Operations Manager


Call to Order:                 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Dr. Krall on April 13, 2020 at 5:38 pm, noting a quorum was present.


Minutes:                         The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes from March 2020 meeting. Dr. Krall asked for an updated spelling on page 2.  Upon motion duly made by Mr. Knez and seconded by Ms. Lightfoot, it was

RESOLVED to approve the meeting minutes.


Financials:                     The Board reviewed the financial statements for March 2020. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Lomas and seconded by Mr. Knez, it was

RESOLVED to approve the financial statements.


Invoices:                           Invoices for March 2020 were reviewed. Upon motion duly made by Ms. Lightfoot and seconded by Mr. Lomas, it was

RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.


Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:

$5000 transfer requested. Dr. Krall made the motion, it was seconded by Mr. Knez and the motion passed unanimously.

District Manager Update:

The water plant is operating as expected. The WWTF has had some issues that John Fitzgerald will discuss in detail.


New Business:               WWTP Compliance Advisory Letter – A compliance advisory was received for the WWTF pond overtopping. Mr. Fitzgerald filed a report on the overtopping and a compliance advisory letter from CDPHE followed. This letter required several actions from Timbers on how to resolve and recover from this issue. Mr. Fitzgerald and Dr. Krall drafted a response to this letter and Mr. Fitzgerald has since completed the required tasks. This included installation of staff gauges, photos monitoring the situation, and filing a spill response plan.  Mr. Fitzgerald has got one aerator running and the other shall be up by next weekend. A monthly progress report will be required to be filed with CDPHE until the new plant is online. Mr. Fitzgerald has been sending weekly flow photos to CDPHE. One of the requirements is that Timbers is required to have 24 inches of freeboard. If not, the excess water will be hauled off. Mr. Fitzgerald and Tammy Lake from CDC have been working on options for when this might occur. Dr. Krall would like to have a phone conference with the CDPHE engineer to help understand the issue and see if a solution can be found that does not include hauling. Ms. Andre explained further why the polishing pond overtopping is different than untreated wastewater ponds overtopping. Ms. Andre stated that this pond is not lined so regardless of shipping the overtopping water out or not, it will continue to fill in with groundwater infiltration. Dr. Krall asked that Tammy Lake or Mary Andre with CDC arrange a phone call with Mandy Mercer with CDPHE and John Fitzgerald. Dr. Krall would like this call as soon as possible to see if Mandy can remove the freeboard clearance and haul requirement.


Audit 2019 Review  – Dr. Krall made a motion to approve the audited financial statements and adjustments. Mr. Lomas seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Old Business:                WWTP Update – The first item Ms. Andre brought to the Board was the equipment procurement amendment.  Ms. Andre would like to know if the amendment should reflect the proposed CDC costs of $10,000 or their actual costs of $13,715.  Ms. Lightfoot and Dr. Krall agree that the amendment should include the actual costs. The second item brought forth was what services should be provided by SCG. There is an option to add additional services for $10,500 however Ms. Lightfoot and Mr. Fitzgerald don’t believe it is necessary. Dr. Krall agrees and isn’t sure what the extra cost gets the Board. Ms. Lightfoot has volunteered to do the videoing of the training to save the Timbers some money. Ms. Andre will formalize the changes suggested and send to Dr. Krall for signatures.

                                          Mr. Fitzgerald will be taking composite sludge samples in the next few weeks and then the reclamation analysis can get further attention.

Tim from CDC and Duckels did a spot check on the manholes that were rehabilitated. There was dampness found in a few of the manholes. The contract did guarantee a one year warranty. Ms. Andre made the suggestion of asking Duckels for a year extension on the warranty and have Duckels come out next year to better secure the manholes. She suggests this due to the current pandemic. Mr. Fitzgerald also suggested that the moisture could just be frost thawing out. Ms. Lightfoot liked the idea of extending the warranty. Dr. Krall agreed and asked Ms. Andre to work on that with Duckels.

Aslan still plans to mobilize June 1st. There are requirements to create a COVID-19 compliance plan with the county. The further restrictions that could be imposed are unknown but as of now, they do plan to mobilize as scheduled. The condition of the road will also dictate when the construction team can start.

District Mapping – The project is complete at this point until Tim Gibbons has completed his locates.

                                          Zirkel Wireless Contract – Ms. Lightfoot believes we could begin negotiations again with Zirkel on the monthly rent and radio frequencies previously contracted.

                                          Water Meters – This topic will be further discussed later this summer.

                                          With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors at 7:07 pm, this 13th day of April 2020.

Respectfully submitted, Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager, Timbers Water and Sanitation District