Members Present:       The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Dr. Krall, President
  • Mr. Gary Osteen
  • Mr. Brock Knez
  • Ms. Jodi Lightfoot
  • Mr. Dusty Atkinson

District Manager:

  • Kasey O’Halloran


  • Mary Andre, CDC Engineering
  • Tammy Young, CDC Engineering
  • Mike Lomas, Resident
  • Colin and Christine Lusher, Resident
  • Dennis Martin, Resident
  • Amy Anderson, Resident
  • Mike Woolverton, Resident
  • Dan McGaw, Resident
  • Diane Overstreet, Resident

Call to Order:                 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Dr. Krall on January 14, 2019 at 5:50 pm,noting a quorum was present.

Minutes:                           The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes from December 2018. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Knez and seconded by Ms. Lightfoot, it was

RESOLVED to approve the meeting minutes.

Financials:                      The Board reviewed the financial statements for December 2018. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Osteen and seconded by Ms. Lightfoot, it was

RESOLVED to approve the financial statements.

Invoices:                           Invoices for December 2018 were reviewed.  Upon motion duly made by Ms. Lightfoot and seconded by Mr. Osteen and unanimously, it was

RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.

Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:           

                                             The District Manager requested a $5000 transfer to the enterprise. Dr. Krall made a motion for the transfer to be completed and Mr. Atkinson seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.  

District Manager Update:

                                              The District Manager reported that the water system is operating normally and that the sanitation system, despite functioning with only one aerator, is also performing within specifications.

Public Meeting:             Dr. Krall opened the Public Portion of this meeting, being held to support the filing of applications for State Funding for the new wastewater treatment system. He made a presentation to the members of the public present, using slides which are attached. The presentation included a description of the existing wastewater treatment system, the reasons it must be renovated, and the plans and costs of the renovation.
The following questions were raised and answered:

Dennis Martin asked where the water will discharge to now with the new system. Dr. Krall and Mary Andre of CDC stated that the TWSD Board will get a surface water discharge permit so the water will be discharged into McKinnis Creek. 

Dennis asked what would happen to all of the solids. Mary explained that the four tanks will remove the solids from the water.

Dan asked who the new operator will be and Dr. Krall stated it be John Fitzgerald who is the operator.

Dan asked how many residents have sewer services; Dr. Krall stated 78 or 79 with 10 vacant lots. These 10 lots would be the only option for growth within the system.

Dan asked if it was ever considered to annex this location to Steamboat Springs. Mary Andre responded saying that there are systems that are even closer to Steamboat that are not accepted into their boundaries. Mary stated that politically there is no reason Mt. Werner Water District would want to take on the annexation of Timbers. Mary stated the other locations that all have their own systems between Timbers and Steamboat.

Dan asked if this will be reflected in the 2019 mill levy and Dr. Krall stated that only the first $561k loan will be reflected this year.

Mike Woolverton asked what the operation cost will be versus what the current cost is. Mary stated it will be less then currently as it is a more energy efficient process. There will be fewer flows in the system and that will keep the operations cost low. Dr. Krall stated that for John, this will be easier and safer for him to operate.

Mike Lomas asked about the Dam and meeting requirements. Dr. Krall spoke of the Dam details further on in the Board Meeting.

Colin asked if individual service lines would be replaced or just the main. Mary stated it would just be the main lines and it has been completed but the man holes will still be refurbished.

Dan asked if all the lower parts of the existing system will get abandoned and go back to nature. Mary stated yes, it will all go away. The wastewater and sludge within the lagoons will be hauled off and disposed of appropriately and then the ponds will be regraded and reseeded.  They will be fully reclaimed. 

Dan asked if the entire operations will be moved uphill. Dr. Krall stated yes, all the facilities will be in one location with one road to maintain and plow. TWSD will no longer need the electric connection down below.   

Diane asked about shutoffs and how much heads up will be given. Mary stated that there shouldn’t be any water system shut downs. There may be a bypass system set up for the sewer lines while construction is being done. John will inform the residents of anything that will be happening when it happens.

Mike Lomas brought up that the road is in bad condition as it is now. He wanted to confirm that the roads will be maintained and made safe before construction and returned to good quality after construction. Mary stated it is part of the contract that the bidder must leave the roads in same or better condition.

Martin Dennis asked if a homeowner could pay off their portion of the WWTF amount in one go. Melinda stated that property taxes have to be assessed equitably so it doesn’t seem possible.  

Mike Woolverton asked if there are any reserves that could be used to pay down the loan needed. Dr. Krall stated that there are very little reserves available to us. In the past, no reserves were ever saved.

Mike Woolverton wanted to state his thanks to the Board for the years of work the Board members have put in.

Old Business:                 Dam Update:  Dr. Krall explained where the pond and dam currently are located. In the process of gaining a report that is required for the wastewater treatment system, TWSD Board learned that dams need to be permitted and ours is not permitted. CDPHE has stated that the Dam does need to be permitted but doesn’t have to be permitted right now. Dr. Krall said there are many options that TWSD will get to once the WWTF is complete. TWSD can breach, lower or remove the dam. The first step the Board will need to take is to get a qualified dam engineer to survey our situation.  A problem with the dam is that our operations road runs along it and that a fiber optic line is buried under it. Dan asked if the pond water is used for anything. Mary stated no, although it can be used for water back up should McKinnis Creek run low or for fire protection needs. There is a potential that if the swamp were drained the pond would require some wetlands mitigation.

Zirkel Wireless Contract – Colin Lusher wanted to state their concerns and opinions on the Zirkel contract. No one on Sky Valley  Drive has access to the high speed internet Zirkel supposedly has available. He asked if possible, if the Board could include in the contract negotiations with Zirkel that high speed access be required for all residents in the District. Colin spoke with Alan with Zirkel and he believes the new structure MIGHT have the technology for high speed access. Dr. Krall explained that TWSD Board has been working with Zirkel to write a new agreement for a much bigger battery and new antennae. The agreement has not been completed yet. Dr. Krall asked Melinda to speak with Alan about some kind of good faith comment that they will do their best to make it possible for all residents to receive high speed internet. Melinda will report back on what Alan can do.

                                             Phase I – Mary’s update on Phase I s that the excavation and work is currently closed out for the season.

                                             Phase II – Mary stated that an amendment to the PER and EA are due to CDPHE currently. Mary will finalize this week and get them to the State. This is a requirement before the February 15th loan application can be submitted.

New Business:               Audit Engagement Letter – The District Manager presented the Audit Engagement Letter. The Board approved going forward with the Audit with Catterson Company and Dr. Krall signed the letter.

Website – Mr. Osteen stated that a Google search reveals an outdated statement on the Timbers website when first seeing the page. He would like the About Us section updated and to reflect all the good work the TWSD has done the past few years. Dr. Krall agreed that this is right and it needs to be updated. The District Manager is to write up the update and Mr. Osteen is to approve.

With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors at 7:43 pm, this 14th day of January 2019.

Respectfully submitted,

Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager

Timbers Water and Sanitation District