Members Present:      The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Ron Krall, President
  • Gary Osteen, Vice President
  • Ash Lesniak
  • Brock Knez

District Manager:

  • Jodi Lightfoot

Call to Order:               The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Ron Krall on April 11, 2016 at 5:45pm, noting a quorum was present.

Minutes:                      The Board reviewed the Regular Meeting minutes of the March 14, 2016 meeting. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to approve the meeting minutes. 

Financials:                   The March 2016 Financial Statements were reviewed. Ellen noted, invoices will be sent out in April and Taxes will start coming in. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous, it was

RESOLVED to approve the financials.

Invoices:                      Invoices for March 2016 were reviewed. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices. 

Transfer of Funds:       No need to transfer funds this month. 

Old Business:             

Small Community Grant Update:        

Contract, Statement of Work, Budget:

Mary and Jodi had a teleconference meeting CDPHE to discuss the statement of work and budget for the Small Communities Grant project. Per the discussions, TWSD received a revised Statement of Work from the State. Mary questioned whether the original bid from Pittsburg Tanks could be used for the Grant if a change order is added for phase II of the tank project. Mary also asked if the State would allow Pittsburgh do a change order to add the fire hydrants? Jodi will call Louanna from the State to ask about re-opening the original bids.

Goals – get contract from the State

Get water tank project going

Make sure there is no cost overrun

Mary will send the revised project package to Pittsburgh tank to add a change order for painting and water storage.

Sanitation Wastewater Treatment Plant:

PNA – Mary distributed an initial cost summary for replacement of the Wastewater collection and treatment systems. (see attachment)

Options included:

Wastewater treatment plant options:

  • New lagoons – The State requires 3 lagoons, TWSD currently has only 2. Bioidomes, submerged aerators, have been included in the Lagoon costs. Mary said the State has a new approval letter out on Biodomes. She said the State said TWSD could use Kremling data and bypass the required study.
  • AdvanTex system – AdvenTex doesn’t require added chemicals. Mary will check on AdvanTex filter replacement requirements.
  • Fluidyne system – TWSD might be able to get a 0% interest loan through the Green Project Reserve funding. Operating costs with fluidyne is higher because it requires a chemical to be added, but it has activated sludge to remove pharmaceuticals.

Electrical cost estimates, Lagoons $2,000/year, AdvanTex $2,000/year Fluidyne $5,000/year

Collection system options:

  • replace the lower portion of the collection system with new gravity feed pipes
  • replacing all of the collection system with new gravity feed pipes
  • replacing all of the collection system with a low pressure system – Low Pressure system electrical cost estimates $30/year for home owner’s, Plus $8,500/year for the service contra

Location options:

  • Build wastewater treatment plant in the same location
  • Move the treatment plant up closer to the water treatment plant and reclaim the lower section – Moving the treatment plant to the upper site requires full reclamation of lower site plus engineering and development of the upper site. Once TWSD develops the upper site, the lower section is not a future cost.

Mary said the current maxim daily flow has been over 65,000 gpd. TWSD only has 1-2 years of data so she is not sure if this is a low or high flow year.

Ron suggested looking back at the sewer videoing to be sure we are correct in our assumptions the lower section is much worse.

The TWSD Board decided to eliminate the low-pressure system from the options noting the previously anticipated savings aren’t there, and to focus the PNA on replacing all of the collection system piping, all three wastewater treatment options and the 2 locations, eliminating the low pressure system and replacing only the lower section of collection piping.

Sediment in water line:

Alan Frackowiak, manager of the Spooner’s house would like to test the sediment. Ron asked if Jodi and Tim could get a sample from location the house where water first enters the house and a sample from the location the Spooners are seeing sediment. Jodi and Tim will collect samples in person to see the sediment. Tim Gibbons suggested the possibility of a flushing hydrant for future issues.

Appointment of Board member to fill vacant position:

The board asked Jodi to invite Dusty Atkinson to the next meeting

New Business:

Due to the saturated roads conditions and concern for further damage to the roads, the TWSD Board asked Jodi to call D&D snow removal to request no more snow removal for the remaining season unless specifically requested.

Jodi’s report:                Tim Gibbons informed Jodi that the well production is down. Sustained yield should be 7gl/mn. Mary said she would contact Michael Arian, the water resources engineer with Resource Engineering in Glenwood. Mary said the TWSD well is a particularly deep well, over 100 ft. usually more stable with deep wells.

                                    Jodi noted that Tim has started adding NALCO to the water due to turbidity. Mary will submit the plan of operation to the State.

With business concluded and upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the Regular Meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District and Board of Directors at 7:15p.m., this 11th day of April, 2016.

Respectfully submitted,

Jodi Lightfoot

District Manager

Timbers Water and Sanitation District