Members Present:        The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Jodi Lightfoot, President
  • Ronald Krall
  • Gary Osteen
  • Brock Knez
  • Mike Lomas (absent)

District Manager:

  • Kasey O’Halloran


  • Tammy Lake, CDC
  • Mary Andre, CDC


Call to Order:                 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Lightfoot on September 13, 2021 at 6:04 pm, noting a quorum was present.


Consent Agenda:           The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes, financial statements, cashflow sheet and the AR report from August 2021. Upon motion duly made by Ms. Lightfoot and seconded by Mr. Osteen, it was

RESOLVED to approve the consent agenda.


Invoices:                           Invoices for August 2021 were reviewed. Upon motion duly made by Ms. Lightfoot and seconded by Mr. Osteen, it was

                                                        RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.


Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:

None needed.


District Manager Update:

Mrs. O’Halloran shared that Mr. Fitzgerald has reported that the new plant is still working great. Mr. Gibbons is on vacation with a backup operator on call.


Old Business:                Water Rights Discussion–– No new updates are available for this meeting. Topic tabled until next meeting.


Dam and Easement Discussion – Ms. Lightfoot asked CDC about where the Dam project currently stands. The Dam engineer will be up to the site this week to work on gathering more details on the boundary for the permanent easement to be located. CDC and Mr. Lomas and Ms. Lightfoot will speak further this week to get forward motion on this project. Dr. Krall asked what the options are going forward for design funding. Ms. Andre stated that the DOLA EIAF funding would be available and Colorado Conservation funding. Ms. Lightfoot asked if CDC could get a cost of what it would be to put an application together for Design funding.


WWTF Project completion – The punchlist items are remaining, however, Aslan has been on site for the last several weeks. Ms. Andre stated she will continue to try and work with Aslan on getting those items complete as soon as possible. Ms. Lightfoot asked for clarification from Aslan that they will be laying gravel on the roads near the dam and at the bend in the road prior to the final completion of the project.


Ms. Lightfoot has reached out to the homeowner, David Fisher, about the potential abandonment of an old fire hydrant on his property. She has asked that the homeowner verify with his insurance company to assure if abandonment will be acceptable. The fire hydrant will need repaired or abandoned. Ms. Lightfoot will also reach out to the close neighbor to see if their home will be affected.


Reclamation – Aslan is prepared to haul away the sledge that has been extracted from the polishing pond. Aslan has lined up as many trucks as they can access at this point.  Aslan has been working very efficiently to complete the reclamation and finalize the contract. Aslan is still working on the sewer manhole abandonments. CDC has been asked to put a Google Sheet together of the budget and where the project stands in real time. Tammy will have this complete in a few days.


Water Restrictions –No new details to report on this topic.


New Business:               Budget 2022 – Mrs. O’Halloran asked the Board to review the 2021 budget and offer any insight into what expenses could potentially change to in 2022. Mrs. O’Halloran will present the first version of the 2022 budget at the October meeting. Dr. Krall asked that the Long Term Maintenance plan and Water Meters be considered at the 2022 budget discussion.


Wildland Fire Mitigation Funding – Ms. Lightfoot asked Mrs. O’Halloran to research the potential in a Colorado State Forest Service grant. Mrs. O’Halloran stated it would require a community wide study to be complete to qualify for the funding. Dr. Krall spoke with the Colorado State Forest Service contact who stated that the forest is relatively healthy. Dr. Krall offered to reach out to this contact further to see if a project is possible.


With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was                                                         RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District                                                        Board of Directors at 7:38 pm, this 13th day of September 2021.


Respectfully submitted, Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager, Timbers Water and Sanitation District