Members Present:        The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Krall, President
  • Gary Osteen (absent)
  • Brock Knez
  • Jodi Lightfoot
  • Mike Lomas

District Manager:

  • Kasey O’Halloran


  • Mary Andre, CDC
  • Tammy Lake, CDC
  • Tyler Desiderio, Applegate Group


Call to Order:                 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Dr. Krall on October 19, 2020 at 6:38 pm, noting a quorum was present.


Minutes:                         The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes from September 2020 meeting and the Special Meeting minutes from September 28th and October 14th. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Lomas and seconded by Mr. Knez, it was

RESOLVED to approve the meeting minutes.


Financials:                     The Board reviewed the financial statements for September 2020. The Board reviewed the AR report.  Upon motion duly made by Mr. Knez and seconded by Ms. Lightfoot, it was

RESOLVED to approve the financial statements.


Invoices:                           Invoices for September 2020 were reviewed.  Upon motion duly made by Dr. Krall and seconded by Mr. Lomas, it was

RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.


Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:

None needed.


District Manager Update:

Ms. O’Halloran shared that both the Water Operator and Wastewater Operator report that their systems are running fine.


New Business:               Officer Election– Tabled until meeting is in person. Dr. Krall has asked the Board to consider a transition of his presidency and spot on the Board. He stated that his term ends next May and he would like to transition his obligation as a president to someone else.


Snowplow Contract – Tabled until November meeting.


Meeting Start Time – The meetings will now start at 6 p.m.


Old Business:                WWTF Reclamation/Construction Update- The new WWTP has been online for 2 weeks. Aslan has submitted the substantial completion report.  The substantial completion was postponed by two weeks due to a propane tank issue.  Ms. Andre questioned if Timbers may need a backup operator if John Fitzgerald is not able to fulfill all the needs required. Mrs. O’Halloran will contact John about this.


                                          The lagoon is dewatered as much as possible. However, the recharge basin is still quite full and has more water than anticipated by the engineers. Land application just isn’t lowering it enough and the engineers are working to find out how to continue to empty this space.  CDC will reach out to CDPHE to see if there are options for emptying that basin.


Dr. Krall proposed Change Order #6 from Aslan Construction. This CO revises the date of substantial completion from October 1 to October 16th. All this change does is increase our warranty by two weeks. The other item Dr. Krall proposed is the Certificate of Substantial Completion. This certificate includes the items that remain to be completed, the punch list. The Board asked to hold off on this approval until they had more time to review it. These items are required to be completed before final completion can be granted. Mr. Lomas made a motion to approve Change Order #6, Ms. Lightfoot seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Budget 2021 – Dr. Krall shared the proposed 2021 Budget with the Board. He brought to the Board’s attention what needs to be updated from 2020. The Board agreed that at November’s meeting the budget will need to be nearly finalized to meet deadlines in December.


Dam Engineer Updates – Tyler with the Applegate Group presented his Alternatives Analysis study of the Dam at the Timbers. The report is attached to the minutes. The report was discussed in depth. Dr. Krall would like to understand what the obligations are to Timbers and what they are to Centurylink regarding the fiber optic line. Dr. Krall would like to find answers to that question before making a decision. He would like to have Ms. Sherman find out the answer to this question and will contact her next week.


Water Tank Paint – Tabled until November meeting.


District Insurance Coverage – Tabled until November meeting.


Water Rights – Tabled until November meeting.


With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation

District Board of Directors at 9:06 pm, this 19th day of October 2020.

Respectfully submitted, Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager, Timbers Water and Sanitation District