Members Present:      The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Jodi Lightfoot, Vice President
  • Larry Ioffredo
  • Gary Osteen
  • Brock Knez
  • Mike Lomas, Chairman and President


  • Kasey O’Halloran
  • John Fitzgerald


  • Tammy Lake, CDC
  • Rob Richardson, Homeowner


Call to Order:                The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Lomas on October 10, 2022, at 6:02 pm, noting a quorum was present.


Consent Agenda:         The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes, financial statements, and the AR report from September 2022. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Knez and seconded by Mr. Ioffredo, it was

RESOLVED to approve the consent agenda.


Invoices:                         Invoices for September 2022 were reviewed. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Knez and seconded by Mr. Ioffredo, it was

                                                        RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.


Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:

$5000 transfer requested and granted.


Manager’s Updates:

In general, all is going well within the District, Tim Gibbons has not reported any issues this past month. The flow meter has been ordered and received. He is coordinating with Native Excavating to install the meter.


John Fitzgerald updated the Board that most things are going well. The TIN numbers are lowering and John is feeling comfortable with the way it is all going with the new plant.


Old and New Business:

CDC Update: CDC has completed O&M manuals and are working on the SRF Loan/DOLA Grant closeout meeting. The timing of the final pay request and project closeout meeting isn’t critical, but the goal is to wrap up both items this fall.


Aslan – Refrigerated sampler installation pending – Doug Crowl, ordered a new cable that will connect directly to the sampler’s auxiliary input/output port and will allow for John to use a program to take flow-paced composite samples as required by Timbers’ permit.  Once the cable is installed, John and CDC plan on programming the unit so that they are familiar with its operation; CDC will speak with Hach as needed to accomplish this. Portable sampler – CDC is still researching what is needed and will work with Aslan on getting it complete. CDC has asked Doug Crowl to begin preparing the final pay request so that we can receive it in a timely manner after the samplers are operational.


Influent sampler and chemical feed system – John has sent the flow sensor for the influent flowmeter to Hach for bench testing and possible repair; once the unit is returned, CDC will schedule with Hach for the field service rep’s visit for setup and calibration of the flow sensor/FL1500 (this visit was paid for by Timbers when the FL1500 was purchased). John met with Kip Anderson of All Water Supply on-site on October 4th regarding the chemical feed pumps and skid setup to discuss the setup and operations with the goal of optimizing the chemical feed system.  John may make a couple of minor modifications to the skid setup and possibly implement some more frequent check valve changeouts, a less diluted mixture, and less frequent but higher dosing, but we will stick with the ProMinent diaphragm pump for the Micro C and hope to see less check valve clogging.  John and Jodi are meeting with Roger Shafer on site on October 11th for a walk-through and to create a training video on the AdvanTex system components for future use; this should take place regardless of the status of the influent flowmeter or chemical feed system.


Lot 1 Easement – Walter McGill has provided everything necessary to Melinda Sherman to get the easement completed. Rob Richardson joined the meeting. He recently purchased Lot 1 and will be paying any fees that this easement incurs after his closing date which was 10/6. Mr. Lomas was nominated to sign the easement and quit claim deed. The dam access needs to be included in this easement however the legal description is delaying the process. Ms. Lightfoot will contact the surveyor tomorrow to continue to push this easement to completion.


Water Rights –The HOA did apply for the smaller water right on the spring. As soon as Timbers W&S District can prove we utilize water off this spring, we can apply for the larger of the rights to this water.


2023 Budget – Mrs. O’Halloran proposed the 2023 draft budget. The budget proposed to raise fees less the $50 total per full water and sewer user in 2023. The Board agreed the budget was sufficient and will look for the final presentation at the December Board meeting.


Wildland Fire Grant – Mr. Lomas and Ms. Lightfoot attended a presentation given on Wildland Fire Mitigation at the Catamount Golf Course.  Catamount had substantial work done to protect their water tank and received grant funding to get this work completed.  The Board members learned some tips on how to apply for the grants that could help pay for this type of work and met some people who can help get the grant process started.


Zirkel Wireless – Mr. Ioffredo spoke with Alan Belvo at Zirkel and he stated that our contract only states that Zirkel will pay a $7 increase annually, not compounded.


Lot fees unpaid  – It was brought to the Board’s attention that an owner who built there home in 2020 is still only paying the Availability of Water/Sewer fees (50% of total amount) as the District wasn’t properly notified of the tap into the services. Mrs. O’Halloran will work to calculate the past due fees and issue the bill to the owner.  Mrs. O’Halloran was also tasked with creating a procedure for future builds so this does not happen in the future.


With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors

at 7:44 pm, this 10th day of October 2022.


Respectfully submitted, Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager, Timbers Water and Sanitation District