Members Present:      The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Jodi Lightfoot, Vice President
  • Larry Ioffredo
  • Gary Osteen
  • Brock Knez
  • Mike Lomas, Chairman and President


  • Kasey O’Halloran
  • John Fitzgerald


  • Tammy Lake, CDC


Call to Order:                The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Lomas on November 14, 2022, at 6:07 pm, noting a quorum was present.


Consent Agenda:         The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes, financial statements, and the AR report from October 2022. Upon motion duly made by Ms. Lightfoot and seconded by Mr. Knez, it was

RESOLVED to approve the consent agenda.


Invoices:                         Invoices for October 2022 were reviewed. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Knez and seconded by Mr. Ioffredo, it was

                                                        RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.


Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:

$9500 transfer requested and granted.


Manager’s Updates:

In general, all is going well within the District, Tim Gibbons has not reported any issues this past month.


John Fitzgerald updated the Board that most things are going well. The TIN numbers are right on track and John is feeling comfortable with the way it is all going with the new plant. John rode with Joe from D&D through the Timber’s area together to analyze the area to make sure it is ready for the winter plowing season. Joe suggested moving rocks from the area near a fire hydrant to reduce manual labor needed to clear the area and lay road base on the lower dam road. John will reach out to Joe to price these jobs out and schedule if possible.


Old and New Business:

CDC Update: Influent Flowmeter – CDC’s recommendation is to purchase a new unit since the old unit has been in place for 9 years and they generally anticipate anywhere from 10-15 years when doing capital improvements planning (depending on how late in the model production run the purchase is made.)  Timbers has paid for a Hach technician’s time on-site to assist with setup and calibration.  The Board agrees that a new meter should be ordered and installed. Mr. Lomas made a motion that this purchase should be completed as soon as possible. Mr. Ioffredo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. John will get it handled as soon as possible.

Samplers- Aslan needs to return to the site to install the half cable for the refrigerated sampler and confirm operation of both samplers; this will include having Hach on site to train John on programming and operation of the refrigerated and portable samplers.


Operation & Maintenance Manual – The O&M Manual is essentially complete.  John has copies on site of Volumes 2-5 and has reviewed and commented on Volume 1, which is now complete except for the record drawings.  CDC’s record drawing sheets are complete, and we are awaiting Jacobs’ record drawing sheets to print for the O&M.


Project Closeout Meeting for SRF – CDC is preparing for this meeting and will schedule it once the influent flowmeter is operational.


Final Pay Application- CDC has requested that Aslan prepare their final pay application and are awaiting a response.


Pending Modification 3 Issuance (for Discharge Permit)- The generic fact sheet and certification documents dated 09/22/22 that Kasey emailed CDC on 10/5/22 are basically the State’s advance notice that Timbers will be converted from a COG589000 permit to a COG591000 permit (the 591 permit will be the new general permit for surface water discharge and will replace the old general permit.)  These documents provide a preview of what you can anticipate when your new certification is issued.  We don’t know when to expect the new certification, but the State has previously said that it could be any time in the next couple of years.  CDC wants Timbers to know that when the new certification is issued, a 30-day public notice period will begin; at the end of this 30-day period, the new certification – and any additional requirements within – will become effective.  This 30-day period is the ONLY chance Timbers will have to comment on and potentially request changes to the requirements in the new certification.  As such, it’s important that Timbers notify CDC (please make sure Mary is copied) AS SOON AS it is received so that we can assist you in a response.


Lot 1 Easement – Ms. Lightfoot will follow up with Melinda Sherman on where the actual easement stands. Mrs. O’Halloran updated the Board on the delinquent payment for the legal work done on this easement. Mr. Ioffredo will reach out to the Vitek’s and Mr. Richardson to find out who will cover the open $925 fees.


Water Rights – Nothing new to report. It is believed that the next step is for Tim to clear out the pipe.


2023 Budget – Mrs. O’Halloran asked the Board for any changes or additions they would like to see made as the final document will be presented for approval at the next meeting. Jodi, Mike and Larry will review and finalize with Mrs. O’Halloran by mid to late November.


Wildland Fire Grant – Nothing new to report on this topic. Mr. Lomas isn’t entirely sure what the next step is besides wanting to pursue this grant funding option. Mr. Osteen had expressed his concern that if a fire does happen, it may contaminate the water source. More discussion to come at the beginning of the new year.


D&D Enterprises– 2022-2023 Snow Plow Contract – Mr. Lomas proposed the contract and stated it is the prudent choice to sign on with D&D.  The Board agreed to approve this contract.  The Board discussed that other alternatives should be shopped for in the Spring.


With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors

at 7:25 pm, this 14th day of November 2022.


Respectfully submitted, Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager, Timbers Water and Sanitation District