Members Present:      The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Jodi Lightfoot, Vice President
  • Larry Ioffredo
  • Gary Osteen
  • Brock Knez
  • Mike Lomas, Chairman and President


  • Kasey O’Halloran
  • John Fitzgerald


  • Tammy Lake, CDC


Call to Order:                The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Lomas on July 18, 2022, at 6:08 pm, noting a quorum was present.


Consent Agenda:         The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes, financial statements, cashflow sheet and the AR report from June 2022. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Knez and seconded by Ms. Lightfoot, it was

RESOLVED to approve the consent agenda.


Invoices:                         Invoices for June 2022 were reviewed. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Ioffredo and seconded by Mr. Knez, it was

                                                        RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.


Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:

$5000 transfer was requested and granted.


District Manager Update:

In general, all is going well within the District, Tim Gibbons has not reported any issues this past month. John Fitzgerald reported that all is going well at the new plant and he has been working with CDC and Aslan to finalize the contract items that are outstanding.


Old and New Business:

Potable Diver’s Issue – The company discharged water into the Zirkel Wireless vault last month. Potable Diver’s stated that Tim Gibbons stated they should shoot their water in that direction, Tim claims that is not the case. Mr. Lomas stated the District has no concern at being liable however it is an ongoing situation right now. Mr. Lomas will keep the board apprised of anything new that comes up with this topic.


Zirkel Wireless – Mr. Lomas would like to go after Zirkel Wireless for an increase in rent as he doesn’t believe the 7% increase, as stated in the contract, has been given these last 18 years. The Board agreed he should continue to pursue this.


Spring Clean Out – Native Excavating was hired to clean out and open up the water line in the potential spring location that Ash Lesniak worked on last year. No water was found. Tim Gibbons suggested hiring a company to do a high-pressure wash of the line in hopes of getting it cleared out. Mr. Lomas will keep working on locating a company that can help with this.


Update from CDC

Aslan Contracting – Aslan Construction was on site on June 28th with a Hach sampler technician. The Inpwr electrician was on site on July 6th and 7th to take care of outstanding punch list items at the WWTP.  John Fitzgerald was on site both days to oversee their efforts and Tammy Lake spent some time on site on July 7th to coordinate with John and with Doug Crowl of Aslan on a couple of remaining items. CDC is awaiting a response from HACH and once that is received, HACH will be scheduled to come out and complete their work.


The new FL1500 flow station (located in the process building and the second of two parts that make up the influent flowmeter) has been installed by Inpwr.  The data cable for the flow station that had been repurposed from the lower site is still in place between manhole 13 and the process building as the new cable was too short.  John and Tammy were lacking as-built information for the electrical conduit runs and had ordered what felt would be appropriate.  Doug Crowl of Aslan will be providing additional as-built information for the electrical conduits from Inpwr.  The influent flowmeter is not yet operational as it needs to be set up and calibrated by a Hach flowmeter technician so that it will provide flow data for reporting as well as a signal for flow-pacing for the portable sampler as required by the discharge permit.  CDC will be coordinating this flowmeter technician visit.


Aslan and Inpwr also partially installed the automated sampler in the process building for monthly effluent sampling – a junction box is still needed to complete this installation.  Doug Crowl has requested a call with Hach to discuss two options for a junction box as we would like to determine which is required for interfacing with the effluent flowmeter for the specific sampling method we intend to use – one in which the sampler is activated by the presence of effluent flow during the sampling period.  Once the correct junction box is identified, ordered, and received, Inpwr can complete the wiring for the automated sampler and the Hach sampler technician will return for one last site visit to assist us with set up and programming of both samplers.  Aslan will be coordinating this sampler technician visit.


Aslan has also changed out the PVC to CPVC, addressed John’s concerns with the hot water heater, and provided additional O&M Manual volumes.  Inpwr replaced the outlet box near the sink to John’s satisfaction and checked the operation of the ventilation fan.


The walk-through video with Roger Shafer of SCG and John that Jodi intends to film should be made after the flowmeters and samplers are fully integrated.  Roger has stated that he is available to do this.


Monitoring Well Abandonment – Still on hold, awaiting a response from CDPHE before moving forward.


O&M Manual – CDC has provided our record drawings to Jacobs Engineering for inclusion in the complete record drawing set and are awaiting their completion.  CDC has also provided Jacobs with any other as-built information we were provided and will forward the electrical conduit as-built information to Jacobs upon receipt.  CDC is currently finishing up the general O&M volume for John’s use, while John has been provided volumes for the AdvanTex equipment (treatment units and pumps, control panel, etc), chemical feed pumps, and generator and transfer switch to date.


Project close-out meeting – Once the punch list work is completed and the final pay request is processed, CDC will schedule the SRF project close-out meeting with CDPHE.  This meeting will take place both at the WWTP site and in CDC’s offices.  Preparation for this meeting will also involve organizing numerous documents for CDPHE inspection, which we will handle.

Easements Needed – Mr. Lomas and Ms. Lightfoot spoke with Melinda Sherman about Lot 1 Easement. She has it on her agenda to get it complete. Ms. Lightfoot will follow up with Melinda soon.


Board Priority List – Mr. Lomas and Ms. Lightfoot spoke with CDC about the priorities that are most important to the Board to complete this year and what to look forward to next year.  What was decided is that the flow meter project is the number one priority of the Board as to maintain water rights. A backup pump for John was approved already. The spring water rights are the second priority that should be worked on since it is currently exposed. The Dam and water meters are a bit lower on the priority list. There is also a spring the Board has an easement to in the Star Ridge area. John Fitzgerald offered to try and find the four pipes that go into that spring. The Board asked John Fitzgerald to report on the water usage at each month’s meeting. He will log in to Mission Communication’s to gather that information.  An additional well was also brought up but Mr. Knez reminded the Board at how difficult and expensive that was a few years prior.


FH 16 – Mr. Lomas updated the Board that this item was tabled after a quote was received by Ms. Lightfoot that was outside the Board’s budget. Mr. Lomas spoke with Mr. Gibbons about flushing out FH 16 and Mr. Gibbons stated he does not and will not flush it out as he is fearful it will not close back up. Mr. Gibbons has been instructed to bag FH 16 until the Board comes up with a plan for FH 16. Mr. Gibbons also stated another FH was non-operable behind the Timbers Condo’s. Mr. Gibbons was asked to bag that FH as well.  In regards to repairing/replacing FH 16, Ms. Lake and Ms. Lightfoot discussed talking to the new homeowner’s contractor to see if that is a service they could provide. CDC will feel out the contractor’s willingness and report back to the Board.  The Board discussed potentially purchasing the fire hydrant equipment as to be ready to if a contractor is found.


Water Meters – Tabled until further meetings.


Wildfire Mitigation – Mr. Lomas will continue to look into this project. He has surveyed the property and is trying to secure an additional bid for this work.


FAQ List from CDC – CDC has been working on putting an FAQ list together to include on the District’s website. It is currently in draft form. Tammy has offered to share it with the Board to help maintain the direction they are looking for.


Beavers  – Beavers have been located in the pond, Ms. Lightfoot wanted to make sure they wouldn’t cause any damage. John Fitzgerald stated that the pipes all have lids so they shouldn’t be able to cause any damage.


District Records – Ms. Lightfoot stated she would like to keep records where everyone can access the documents. She proposed a professional Dropbox. Ms. Lightfoot and Mrs. O’Halloran will work on getting this setup.


With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors

at 7:23 pm, this 18th day of July 2022.


Respectfully submitted, Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager, Timbers Water and Sanitation District