Members Present:      The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Krall, President
  • Gary Osteen
  • Brock Knez
  • Jodi Lightfoot
  • Mike Lomas

District Manager:

  • Kasey O’Halloran


  • Mary Andre, CDC


Call to Order:                The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Dr. Krall on February 10, 2020 at 5:47 pm, noting a quorum was present.


Minutes:                         The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes from January 2020 meeting. Upon motion duly made by Mr. Osteen and seconded by Ms. Lightfoot, it was

RESOLVED to approve the meeting minutes.


Financials:                     The Board reviewed the financial statements for January 2020.  Dr. Krall asked Ms. O’Halloran to develop a Cash Flow Projection sheet for future meetings to evaluate the District’s financial progress. Upon motion duly made by Ms. Lightfoot and seconded by Mr. Osteen, it was

RESOLVED to approve the financial statements.


Invoices:                         Invoices for January 2020 were reviewed.  Upon motion duly made by Mr. Osteen and seconded by Ms. Lightfoot, it was

RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.


Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:

Mrs. O’Halloran requested a $5000 transfer. Dr. Krall made the motion and it passed unanimously.

District Manager Update:

Mrs. O’Halloran updated the Board on the discharge flow meter that has been intermittently off the past month. Plant Operator John Fitzgerald has been researching and investigating the issue. He has contacted Mission Communication and they suggest it could be radio damage cause unknown. John is working with them to get it resolved as quickly as possible. Because of the loss of communication, John will have to file his DMR with no data this month. This will result in a violation from CDPHE.


New Business:              Timber’s Spring – Ms. Lightfoot was able to locate the coordinates and ownership of the spring that has previously been unknown. She has shared these details with CDC and the attorney.


Water Meters – Dr. Krall stated that in the past the Board wanted to install water meters for fairness and conservation purposes. Dr. Krall would like to do a superficial investigation and talk about it again in March.  He would like to look into how the Board would use the data from the water meters to affect the rate structure. CDC has done the research for other sites and says costs have come down and will share with Dr. Krall.

Old Business:               Phase I Status Update – Final payment has been approved to Duckels and MH 26 has been moved to Aslan’s contract. A DOLA call was made and an extension will be easy to attain so that the grant will still be able to cover the work done on MH 26 in the Spring. After the call, Dr. Krall and Ms. Andre determined that all of the grant funds for the first DOLA grant may not be all used up due to low bids and high budgeting.  The grant will be used to pay for MH 26 and 13 and potentially MH 15 which is in need of spot repairs.  MH 15 will be evaluated in the spring to see if work should be done.       Ms. O’Halloran asked the Board if they would like to use the remaining SRF Loan #1 funds to pay down the principal or roll it in the SRF Loan #2. The Board would like to roll it into the SRF Loan #2. SRF Loan #1 requires a resolution stating that Duckel’s have completed their portion of the project. Dr. Krall made the motion to pass Resolution 20-01, Ms. Lightfoot seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Phase II Status Update- Discharge permit has been received on both the ground and surface water. Ms. Andrew will thoroughly review to assure all expectations were incorporated into the final permits.


There was a conference call regarding Xerxes tank delay which has resulted in some confusion on how the remobilization fees will be paid. Ms. Lightfoot would like to get Aslan involved in the calls so that it is clear how much will be paid by Xerxes. Dr. Krall would like another call setup so that the District is clear on who will get reimbursed for the additional remobilization fees. Ms. Lightfoot will get in touch with Bruce at Xerxes to get resolution soon.  Ms. Andre will work further with Ms. O’Halloran on the contingency budget. The numbers are still coming in, but a budget should be completed soon to see where the projects will fall.  Dr. Krall would like to use the April meeting to plan and get prepared for what is to come this summer so that the project will get completed on time. Ms. Andre will get a construction schedule from Aslan to help plan.


District Mapping – Ms. Andre needs to work further with Mr. Whelan on getting a complete picture of the district mapping as she has received many different drawings with the pieces of the map. There are pieces that are missing as well.

                                          Zirkel Wireless Contract – Ms. Lightfoot stated that Centurylink is burying fiber optics in the development and should be able to provide service to the Timbers residents in April and May. This would allow for renegotiations with Zirkel to continue as providing high speed internet to residents will no longer be necessary.

                                          With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors at 7:18 pm, this 10th day of February 2020.

Respectfully submitted, Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager, Timbers Water and Sanitation District