Members Present:      The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Ron Krall, President
  • Gary Osteen, Vice President
  • Brock Knez
  • Ash Lesniak
  • Dusty Atkinson (absent due to work)

Assistant District Manager:

  • Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager:

  • Jodi Lightfoot


  • Mary Andre, CDC Engineering

Call to Order:                 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Ron Krall on January 9, 2017 at 5:42 pm, noting a quorum was present.

Minutes:                            The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes of the December, 2016 meeting. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to approve the meeting minutes.

Financials:                       The December 2016 financial statements were reviewed. Confusion over the loan payment withdrawals were brought up so Kasey will get an explanation from Ellen on why that is done and report back at the next meeting. (ACTION) Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous, it was

RESOLVED to approve the financials.

Invoices:                           Invoices for December 2016 were reviewed.  The Pittsburg Tank Invoice will be paid because the Grant money should arrive within the next week. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.

Enterprise Transfer:                None needed at this time.

Past Due Accounts:    Reviewed statements for six accounts that are outstanding. Statements have been sent out and require payment in full. The lien against Lot 8 has been updated with the interest accrued in 2016. Jodi will ask Melinda what to do about getting the Lien accounts settled when she has a chance to meet with her. (ACTION)

Old Business

Water Tank Project:

Jodi has sent in the reimbursement request for the Pittsburg Tank invoice and for the match for the CDC invoices.

CDC Invoices – Approved to pay.  They will start charging Timbers for all work they do going forward (in the past, they have waived some hours). The Board will need to find a solution for the pad issue before Mary does any more work on it.

Wastewater Treatment Plant:

Public Meeting Update – Ron discussed who attended the meeting. Ron stated he thought it went very well, people were engaged and convinced.  The presentation and questions/answers will go on the website and be provided to the state. Jodi has had a homeowner email her a question. She will send it on to Ron to help her answer.

Appraisal – Jodi is waiting on the setback variance and legal description before appraisal can be completed.

Negotiations with Krall – Jodi can’t start discussions without the Appraisal.

Letter to Galvin – Jodi to work on this. (ACTION)

Critical Path Project Plan – Mary distributed a month by month breakdown of what will have to be done by Timbers Board, CDC and a joint effort between the two through 2018.  The tasks for Timbers for the month of January involve Kasey to get the public notice affidavit from the Steamboat Pilot (ACTION), Mary will send her notes from the public meeting to Ron and Kasey to add to their document. (ACTION) Ron will finalize the document and will get it posted on the website. (ACTION) Once documents are complete – they will need to be submitted to CDPHE.

-Property Acquisition – Jodi has said she would like the setback variance from the county (approved or denied) before she gets the appraisal complete and starts to acquire the property easements.  Mary has tasked Jodi with getting the appraisal complete in January though. Mary has suggested that two drawings be made up – one with a 10 ft. setback and one with a 50 ft. setback. She then suggests an appraisal for both sizes. Mary would like to wait until March to get the setback variance along with the other two county approvals she needs. Jodi would like the setback variance done first so she is going to call the County to see if that is possible. (ACTION)

Discharge Permit – Mary has received a response from the state about the pending permit. State is getting ready to finalize the response to the board; part of that response will be a compliance schedule. The State set a call for Thursday afternoon with Mary and the Timbers Board members. Randi, with permitting and Doug, who is familiar with our situation will be on the call. Mary spoke with some of her contacts in preparation for the call and she believes they will require a compliance schedule for the existing facility.

Timing – Mary is worried that time is very tight. Review times will be tough because TWSD won’t get review comments from the previous phase until the next submittal is nearly done.  Mary wants to know the target for construction should be 2018 or push back to 2019?  Ash has asked for Mary to email the board a list with points Mary is most concerned about so the focus is clear.  Mary needs to also add in the funding timelines to the plan. Ron would like funding applications timing added in. (ACTION)

Income survey:             Jodi sent off the final two surveys. She believes she should have results within the week.

New Business:

Bank Account Changes:

Ron moved that Ellen Dalton and Jodi Lightfoot be removed from the bank accounts and Kasey O’Halloran and Dusty Atkinson be added to the account. Brock seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Plowing:                            Jodi has asked D&D to plow the fire hydrants clear. She has asked for a quote to clear out the wind rows each time D&D plows. This should reduce the amount of times the fire hydrants need to be cleared.. Ash has asked if the Fire Dept. would come out to do a winter inspection of the hydrants to assure they are safe for the homeowners. Jodi will first reach out to Tim Gibbons on this topic and then to the Fire Department if needed. (ACTION)

With business concluded and upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors at 7:45 pm, this 12th day of December 2016.

Respectfully submitted,

Kasey O’Halloran

Assistant District Manager

Timbers Water and Sanitation District