Members Present:       The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Ron Krall, President (absent)
  • Gary Osteen, Vice President
  • Brock Knez
  • Ash Lesniak
  • Dusty Atkinson (absent)

Assistant District Manager:

  • Kasey O’Halloran

District Manager:

  • Jodi Lightfoot (absent)


  • Mary Andre, CDC Engineering
  • Melinda Sherman, Sharp, Steinke, Sherman & Engle


Call to Order:                 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by Vice President Gary Osteen on February 12, 2018 at 6:02 pm, noting a quorum was present.


Minutes:                           The Board reviewed the regular meeting minutes of the January 2018. Upon motion duly made by Gary and seconded by Ash and unanimously, it was

RESOLVED to approve the meeting minutes.


Financials:                      The January 2018 financial statements were reviewed.  Upon motion duly made by Gary and seconded by Brock and unanimously, it was

RESOLVED to approve the financials.


Invoices:                           Invoices for January 2018 were reviewed.  Upon motion duly made by Gary and seconded by Ash and unanimously, it was

RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.


Transfer of funds from TWSD to TWSWA Enterprise:

$5000 transfer was approved.


Old Business:                 CDPHE/DOLA Change Request: CDPHE stated Timbers needs to have a phased approach – Phase I sewer and Phase II WWTF. The first SRF loan will be the match for the DOLA grants (both).  The initial DOLA Grant will be $300,000 and the same amount from the SRF Loan and then an additional SRF Loan for $2,070,000.  Once the Ballot Measure is approved for the additional $1.5 million debt, CDC suggests the Board then apply for the second phase SRF loan.  Mary received the cost of what the design for the denitryifcation system will be and she was able to submit the DOLA grant budget this afternoon.  Mary needs to know who the Board wants to sign the SRF Loan if Ron is not available. Kasey will be in contact with Ron to get his signature by Thursday but if not, Ash moved that Gary be the second in command to sign. Brock seconded the motion and it passed.


Property Acquisition –    Kralls property does not need to be acquired until June 15th. Galvin’s easement has been received. His easement cost the District just over $5000. Melinda has spoke with Ward, Ron’s attorney, and Melinda believes his response will be coming soon in regards to an easement.


District Manager Position – Tabled this topic until March meeting.


Fire Hydrant Project – Mary questioned the Grant requirement to re-bid but the Board believes we should go forward with Native’s updated bid.  There is potential to drop the gate valve section to meet the original bid price.   The Board asked that Kasey go forward with Native’s bid and CDC to work up a contract. CDC asked if they should design the Lomas fire hydrant but due to the increase in spending, Ash asked that the price be determined before the next meeting and then it can be decided.  Mary will work on the price for designing the Lomas fire hydrant. (ACTION)


Ballot Measure – Melinda updated the Board on the reasoning behind the need for an additional debt increase measure on the ballot.   Melinda also explained that a sub-district could be created   Gary stated that it would be scary to take 25% of the payers out of the pool but also the fear of Preserve owners revolting.  The Board would like to know how everyone is being taxed and how the districts were created in the past. Mary stated that if this resolution is not signed, where else will the money come from to complete the WWTF? Potentially it could come from the USDA but at a higher interest rate. The Board believes there is no other option but to pass the measure, the extra debt is needed to get the Wastewater Treatment Plant completed. However, the Resolution needs the numbers entered. Melinda let the Board know that it will increase repayment in taxes by $150,000 annually.  Because this will increase tax so greatly the Board is very worried about affordability.  If the project stalls out and can’t go forward, the Board would go under enforcement, receive fines, and CDPHE would step in to assist. Then the funding issue would be more attractive to bringing in grants but the pressure would increase.   It is a catch 22. Gary moved to approve the resolution put before the Board to increase the debt by $1.5 million in the District and Ash seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.  Melinda and Kasey will get the final numbers entered.


New Business:               Woolverton Letter – Mike Woolverton issued a letter to the Board stating he is paid in full although his account shows that his 2017 2nd Quarter fees are still open. Kasey researched the payout amount that was reached with Mike back in March 2017. The fees that were included were just the first quarter fees so the second quarter fees are still due. The Board asked Kasey to work with Jodi on a letter to Mike from the Board.


With business concluded and upon motion duly and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the regular meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors at 8:20 pm, this 12th day of February 2018.


Respectfully submitted,

Kasey O’Halloran

Assistant District Manager

Timbers Water and Sanitation District