Members Present:      The following Directors were present and acting:

  • Ron Krall, President
  • Ash Lesniak
  • Gary Osteen, Vice President
  • Brock Knez
  • Jodi Lightfoot, Secretary/Treasurer


  • Ellen Dalton


  • Mary Andre – CDC

Call to Order:              The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Timbers Water & Sanitation District was called to order by President Ron Krall on November 9, 2015 at 5:49pm, noting a quorum was present.

Minutes:                      The Board reviewed the Regular Meeting minutes of the October 12, 2015 meeting. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to approve the meeting minutes.

 Financials:                   The October 2015 Financial Statements were reviewed. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to approve the financials.

Ellen Dalton distributed a list of the delinquent accounts. Ellen also mentioned that no money was received from the lien on Gorman lot that sold. Ellen gave Melinda Sherman the name and address of the attorneys who closed on the lot. Ellen said there are 2 lots remaining with liens. The Board asked Ellen to contact the bank that owns one of the lots.

Action – Ellen will send emails to all owners with delinquent accounts notifying them of their delinquent account status.

Invoices:                      Invoices were reviewed at the meeting. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to approve payment of the open invoices.

 Old Business:

Water Tank:                 Mary Andre gave a review of the pre-construction meeting with Pittsburgh Tank, and distributed the pre-construction meeting minutes. Gary Osteen and Jodi Lightfoot attended the meeting. Hugh Haire from Pittsburgh Tank & Tower Maintenance Co. suggested delaying the project until spring to complete the entire project at a reduced cost rather than perform a portion of the repairs now and the remaining project at a later date. The risks associated with delaying the project further would be the danger of the over flow pipe breaking and corrosion where the pipe was attached to the side of the tank. Mary offered a short term solution of capping the overflow pipe. This would prevent loss of the water in tank if the overflow pipe breaks inside the tank. Mary said TWSD would require approval from CDPHE. Ron Krall asked if the overflow pipe is capped and the tank overflowed, where the water is going to flow. Mary said the water level would creep up and leak out the hatch, then up the vent, but, the tank has continuous water level controls. The tank is equipped with an alarm that will alert the operator if the level goes above 100,000gl. The alarm is sent to the operator’s cell phone; modifications can be made to the system to sends the alarm to board members if the operator doesn’t respond.

Ron asked if TWSD could still get the original bid completed if CDPHE rejected the capping option. Mary said she would have to ask Native if they could still do the excavation this late in the season. Ron asked Mary to make the call to CDPHE the next day. Ron explained if TWSD can get enough grant money, TWSD will be able to compete the entire project in the spring, if not, TWSD will move ahead with the original plan to complete the most urgent repairs. Mary will send the answer from CDPHE and email the answer so the board can make a quick decision. Jodi reminded the board of the need to test the interior paint for lead.

Sanitation System:

Ron asked Mary if TWSD could do less water testing next year. Mary said the current testing being done is similar to requirements for a discharge permit. TWSD doesn’t discharge and are testing more than required. TWSD could reduce testing to quarterly. TWSD could make a request to CDPHE to reduce some of the testing from monthly to less frequent testing.

SRF Pre-Qualification Submission:

Submission is ready. Ron signed at the meeting and Mary will submit the application form.

Small Communities Grant Application:

Mary explained that only expenses for a 24month period area allowed. This eliminates approximately $10,000 of expenses. Mary said CDC had added a few items to the application including the water meters. Mary requested a final meeting to review the financial data prior to sending the application. Ron suggested meeting at 2:00pm on Wednesday to review the application. Ellen said she could be there until 3:00pm. Mary will send a copy of the application to the board members for review in advance of the meeting. Mary will also send out an invite for the meeting and board members who can be there will join.

Beaver in the Lagoon:

John Fitzgerald noticed a blocked drain at the sanitation ponds. He called CDC for advice involving Tammi and Mary involving CDC the incident. CDC advised John to call a plumber and have the clog removed.

2016 Budget:                Ron Krall distributed the latest version of the 2016 budget. TWSD is required to adopt the budget by December 14, and submit the mill levee by December 15th. Ron explained that he had moved all the snow removal costs to the water expenses spreading the cost among all the residents. The board decided to adjust the engineering budget back up to $50,000. Ellen mentioned that the engineering fees fall outside the mill levee rules. An option would be to move all of the sewer budget expenses to the mill levee and collect the engineering fees through sewer fees. The maximum allowed to collect from taxes are $80,000. TWSD is required to post a notice 30 days in advance if the fees are to change. Ron said he will write a short explanation for the district of all changes made. Ellen mentioned that the Enterprise will have to pay the district back for the loan as grant money was transferred to the Enterprise from the District. This was done because the enterprise cannot accept grant money. Ron said to table this discussion for legal advice next year.

Snowplowing:              Ron said the meeting had not happened yet, but is scheduled for 11:00am Friday, November 13th, at the Grand. Ron told Joe, the snow removal contractor, that we were waiting to sign the contract until after the meeting. Price per plow is currently $385, Ron is concerned that the contract is not specific enough and wants to discuss with Joe, how the decision is made to plow or not. Ron will to talk to Judy about the fire hydrant 11A.

District Manager:        Ron, Gary and Brock met prior to the board meeting to discuss Jodi Lightfoot’s counter proposal for the district manager position. Ron said he was given negation rights from the other board members and would meet with Jodi at a later date.

New Business:             No new business

With business concluded and upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, it was

RESOLVED to adjourn the Regular Meeting the Timbers Water & Sanitation District and Board of Directors at 8:35pm, this 9th day of November, 2015.

Respectfully submitted,

Jodi Lightfoot
